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Inside and out

You lost your clout

And cling to cliché


Inside and out

You drift about

The king of delay


Too young too old

Too busy too broke

Too young too old

Too weary to cope


Inside and out

You dance in a drought

Without a canteen


Inside and out

You bath in doubt

The daydream queen


Too young too old

Too busy too broke

Too young too old

Too dizzy too woke


Inside and out

You twist and shout

Still nothing to say


Inside and out

Stuck in a roundabout

In your own way

Too young too old

Too busy too broke

Too young too old

Too wary to provoke


Back in the past in my geology class

We learned even the hardest rocks they never last

The lesson that remains the main takeaway

Is that change will be here to stay

Dreams of painted doors dot postcard shores

Now glacial till sits on the ocean floor

Will time be kind or make us pay

Can we keep the tides at bay (No way)


Islands sinking

We’re not blinking

They keep thinking

Storms will just go away

(Will time be kind or make us pay)

Land keeps baking

It’s record breaking

Still making up our minds

We’re taking

More than we need today

(Hypocrisy is about you and me)


We dream of the day storms go away

Will time be kind or make us pay


Planes fill the sky to save us in Dubai

In a small world where big visions collide

So how long will it take to decide

Guess we’ll hang on for the ride

(Better hold on tight)


A rule to remember in this tectonic game

Nothing ever stays the same

Ice caps melting polar bears drifting

Our minds they keep shifting

(We’re all tripping)

Islands sinking

We’re not blinking

Coastlines are shrinking

They scrapped the Act away

(But they gave us an app to save the day)

Beaches reshaping

Great Whites migrating

Still making up our minds

We’re faking

But we’ve got Wi-Fi on the runway





Clock is ticking

Time is slipping

Winds are whipping

(In the air today)

We keep flipping

The past sticking

We’re all clicking

Blame it’s slinging

(In the air today)

Flames are flinging

It’s all accelerating

Birds still singing

But I’m numb

(in the air today)

from the hum of generators

In the air today

In the air today

In the air today


Back in the past in my geography class

We learned the earth it always had cracks

The lesson that remains the main takeaway

Will we find a way to stay


When I was young maps hung on walls with tape My atlases were my childhood escape

Times would change and life would reshape

The world got wide when we opened Netscape

Bill and Steve gave us our own screens In the schools for all of the teens

We can’t hide not even the kings and queens Google Maps and satellites behind the scenes


But what happened…

Revenge of the nerds

GPS changed the game

Surf new streets from a car or a plane

Finding places will never be the same

Time to start navigating in the fast lane

Zooming in maps online

Analog digital forever intertwined

Now the old school much maligned

All them old fools they left far behind


That’s right… that’s right

We zooming in…

Zooming in


When I grew up I couldn’t let go of the past

We drove around France with a box full of maps

I stayed the course and never caved in

I can read signs I had my Michelin

But last time I dropped by a corner store

Couldn’t find a single one my jaw sank to the floor When I asked the clerk don’t you sell maps here anymore

He downloaded an app and said here you go explore

Remind him again

GPS changed the game

Surf new streets from a car or a plane

Finding places will never be the same

Time to start navigating in the fast lane

Zooming in maps online

Analog digital forever intertwined

Now the old school much maligned

All them old fools they left far behind

Way back there… Way back there


Urban planning now it’s all G.I.S.

No more measuring no more math to finesse

(That’s right)

Scales and rulers no longer on the test

Save a globe but then recycle the rest

(Oh yeah)

Driving in the city there’s much more at stake

But with my Garmin there’s no need to brake (Amen)

No more map holding no more gratuitous rips

No more map folding on geography field trips


We zooming in


Left far behind


Down down down down down


Disarm you with hello

You’ve nowhere else to go

But down the rabbit hole

Down the rabbit hole


No sign of light

It’s fully out of sight

You’re gonna find the troll

Down the rabbit hole


Down down down down down

Down down down down down


You better strap in

Cause here we go again

Gonna feed the troll

Down the rabbit hole


So they bait and wait

But they hate to relate

They scroll patrol

Down the rabbit hole

Down down down down down

Down down down down down


The lies that they throw

Disguised secret mole

In the shadows down below

Down the rabbit hole


Down down down down down


A game no one wins

Just vitriol and sins

You’re gonna pay the toll

Down the rabbit hole


Down down down down down

Down down down down down


The rabbit hole


Gripping the wheel I was watching the snow fall

Hypnotized by lights on the way to the mall

I was slipping and sliding in the drifting snow

Like my life at the time it was touch and go


But the force was strong and I needed a little cheer

No time to wait for the roads to clear

Dressed it up with miles of blinking lights

That used to gleam and glitter on all those childhood nights


My Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

(Christmas tree)

It’s gonna outlive you and me

(You and me)

Although it bends and leans precariously


Will always be a part of them and me

(Christmas tree)


Stands on an end table beside a wall

It never mattered to me the tree wasn’t so tall

Candy canes and garland shaking snow globes

Sacred seventies souvenirs reminiscing of home

I’ve moved it ten times and probably more

In and out of so many faded forgotten doors

It’s been my blanket from all the back and forth

And those dark and stormy days I got lost up North


My Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

(Christmas tree)

It’s gonna outlive you and me

(You and me)

Although it bends and leans precariously


Will always be a part of them and me


(Christmas tree)

My Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

(Christmas tree)

It’s gonna outlive you and me

(You and me)

Brings back those memories unexpectantly


That’s why I hold on so tightly

(Christmas tree)


I wanted to toss it away

But you soon realized it just had to stay

It’s so much more than just decor

And I just can’t hide this feeling anymore


My Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

(Christmas tree)

It’s gonna outlive you and me

(You and me)

Brings back those memories unexpectantly


That’s why I hold on so tightly

(Christmas tree)


Suddenly it’s New Year’s Day

Reluctantly I put it all away

Drawn to the slow beauty of decay

I don’t think there’s any other way


Our Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

Our Charlie Brown Christmas Tree


Hey man, got change for a 5?


Flashback, 1982

It’s a Saturday, and I’m with my crew

After the cartoons, we’re ready to go

Got a five-dollar bill, ready to blow


Walking the highway, rain or shine

Mom would tell us, “Be back by nine”

Dreaming of video, all the way there

20 games of Kong, we don’t care


Open the door, inside we fly

Make a beeline, for the change guy

Place a coin, on my favourite game

My turn’s coming up, I’ve made my claim


Wheeling and dealing, moving my guy

Eating up prizes, enemies behind

But I’m in a jam, on my last life

Gotta hunker down, or break another five

All the games are, beeping and bleeping

I’m in the zone, eyes straight ahead

Want the high score, gotta good feeling

All I wanna see, my initials in red


Hey man, can I borrow a quarter?


Pac Man, Dig Dug, all about the chase

Pole Position, get ready to race

Threats everywhere…Asteroids, Defender

Use the smart bomb, I don’t wanna surrender

Phoenix and Galaga, aliens with tricks

If shooter games are what gives you kicks

Hop frogs in traffic, to sooth your soul

Don’t blow the last jump, miss the bleeping hole

Remember when Zaxxon, came on the scene?

3-D projection, appeared on the screen

Battlezone, in a periscope case

Vector graphics, VR interface

Wheeling and dealing, moving my guy

Eating up prizes, enemies behind

But I’m in a jam, on my last life

Gotta hunker down, or break another five

All the games, are beeping and bleeping

I’m in the zone, eyes straight ahead

Want the high score, gotta good feeling

All I wanna see, my initials in red


Haha, you’re dead…move over, it’s my turn


Take one more lap, around the arcade

Looking in coin slots, of the recently played

What do we find, among the loose change

Couple of quarters, we get bonus games


Nothing but video, all in a line

So many choices, not enough time

Down to 50 cents, almost time to head home

We sigh and we whine, then moan and groan

The golden age, of arcade games

A worthy addiction, it kept me sane

All about the challenge, ‘cause you never win

The pinging and ringing, brings me back again

Wheeling and dealing, moving my guy

Eating up prizes, enemies behind

But I’m in a jam, on my last life

Gotta hunker down, or break another five

All the games are, beeping and bleeping

I’m in the zone, eyes straight ahead

Want the high score, gotta good feeling

All I wanna see, my initials in red


Hey man, what are you doing

Go right… go right!


Wheeling and dealing, moving my guy

Eating up prizes, enemies behind

But I’m in a jam, on my last life

Gotta hunker down, or break another five

All the games are, beeping and bleeping

I’m in the zone, eyes straight ahead

Want the high score, gotta good feeling

All I wanna see, my initials in red


Oh yeah…      LJP in red…

LJP … slots one-two-three

Hey man, got change for a 5?


Way back in the summer of eighty-three

Kevin drove a bike for the Dickie Dee

He was older than us by two or three years

With long lanky legs he had no peers

He whistled his jingle every sunny day

And you could hear him coming from a mile away

He reminded me of Bo driving The General Lee

From the Dukes of Hazard we enjoyed on TV


He rode faster than the wind

Steep hills he would descend

The little kids would all scream

Here comes the ice cream

But the fame went to his head

Then he lost his street cred

Although Kevin did make loads of cash

All that changed after the crash


It was a Friday afternoon Gaston Road cul-de-sac

We were hanging around just looking for a snack

Kevin flew down the hill he was singing his song

His two arms in the air his confidence was strong

Then he turned the bike sharply riding on only one wheel

Like he was some sort of trailer park Evel Knievel

But that Dickie Dee bicycle got outta control

As we watched in slow motion the bike started to roll


Look, Kev can pop a wheelie. He’s a super star

He rode faster than the wind

Steep hills he would descend

The little kids would all scream

Here comes the ice cream

But the fame went to his head

Then he lost his street cred

Although Kevin did make loads of cash

All that changed, after the crash


So he wiped out the trike and kissed the asphalt

This was ice cream karma it was his own fault

Then a rainbow of popsicles lit up the sky

We gathered the bounty that fell from so high

And we ran into the bushes arms loaded with drumsticks

The bike still on the ground it needed to get fixed

But we laughed at the gaffe stuffed our faces with glee

While Kevin had to clean up the dairy debris


Wow look at Kevin flying on that bike

He’s a legend man

It’s raining ice cream


I wonder what Kevin’s up to these days

He was one helluva entrepreneur

But he had a bad day


I remember when we were kids in the 70s, there was a patch of woods behind the trailer park, and on Saturdays we would take our hatchets and hammers and head back into the forest and make forts, and we would play games… along the trails. One of the trails was called. The Bogeyman Trail.


Shhh did you hear that

Hear what

That rustling

I think Jeff is trying to sneak up on us

Nah that’s just the wind


Did you hear that

Yeah, I heard a sound

We’d better scat

Don’t be so loud


We have to decide

Hide or run

Run or hide

It’s gonna be fun


It’s the Bogeyman

On the Bogeyman Trail

Here he comes

He’s on your tail

It's the Boogeyman

On the Boogeyman Trail

So what’s the plan

Are we gonna bail

Don’t look back

What the hell is that

I said, don’t look back

No time to chat


Here he comes

Gotta stay still

Sounds like drums

Try to be chill


The Boogeyman

The Boogeyman trail

Here he comes

On your tail


The Boogeyman

The Boogeyman trail

Here he comes

On your tail


Who’s there

Man I’m scared

It’s either Jeff

Or a bear


Don’t look back

I said, don’t look back

Don’t look back

We have four options

Run or hide

Hide or run

Flee or tree

Tree or flee

We have four options

Run or hide

Hide or run

Flee or tree

Tree or flee


Oh shit, here he comes

We can not run

Here he comes

Wish I had a gun

This ain’t no fun

Here he comes



Here he comes

Holy shit

That’s not Jeff


You should have run


Who are you going to call first

You’ll see

Shhh quiet it’s ringing

Good evening House of Hum

Yeah I’ll take combo number five for delivery to Marvin Street

Mr. Sheeves is going to be pissed


Home alone after school

Ideal time to be a fool

Yellow pages in our hands

To hatch a devilish plan


While looking out for our mom

We’d ring up the House of Hum

Taxi cabs and pizza shops

We just couldn’t stop


We peaked out the window

While waiting for the show

Then the cars started to appear

From calls we engineered


Watching safely from inside

Laughing so hard that we cried

At the take outs from all around

And the bottle exchange downtown

The neighbours opened the door

Saw three or four cabs maybe more

This was the price they’d pay

Before call display

The drivers talked to one other

The prank they would soon discover

We, the culprits were unknown

Long before the iPhone


Woodside Pizza

Yeah, I’d like an extra-large pepperoni. Delivery


We would continue to spy

From the corner of our eye

And while we were binging on pringles

Cabbies chatted and they mingled


A cabbie reached into his pocket

Bought a pizza from the street market

Turned lemons to lemonade

They rose above the fray


Hey look, Mr. Sheeves is answering the door


The neighbours opened the door

(I didn’t order a pizza)

Saw three or four cabs maybe more

This was the price they’d pay

Before call display


The drivers talked to each other

The prank they would discover

We, the culprits were unknown

Long before the iPhone

But Mom came home early after work

From her job as a tax clerk

Asked us about the kerfuffle

And why the curtains were ruffled

Then she says: I don’t have any proof

But you boys are acting aloof

Go over and apologize

Or get grounded as your prize


Is Mr. Sheeves still staring over here


Oh boy

The neighbours opened the door

Saw three or four cabs maybe more

This was the price they’d pay

Before call display


The drivers talked to one another

The prank they would soon discover

We, the culprits were unknown

Long before the iPhone


Before the iPhone

Before the iPhone

We, the culprits were unknown

Long before the iPhone

This was the price they’d pay

Before call display

Before call display

Before call display

This was the price they’d pay

Before call display

Before call display

Before call display


Oh yeah, we pranked before Frank

(Oh yeah)

Before Frank Rizzo

(That’s right)

We pranked before Frank


Before Frank Rizzo



Yeah, I’d like to order a cab

Ah could you make it two


It’s your turn to go in the dumpster I went last time


On Friday nights Southdale Woodside

Our inhibitions they would slide

Day old pastry now our supply

Discarded Danishs we made them fly


Tomfoolery our middle name

Dumpster diving is our game

Cause donut buying it’s kinda lame

Running and hiding we have no shame


On the dark side we strike at night

In the dim light we live to fight

Timmie’s our dealer discounted ammo

(The dough)

City's our canvas nocturnal tableau


You got him

Oh shit he’s getting out of his car

Empty bins we make our dough

Neighbours sigh when we start to throw

A natural high it's not for show

May, June, July, even in the snow


On the dark side we strike at night

(All night)

In the dim light we live to fight

Timmie’s our dealer discounted ammo

(The Dough)

City's our canvas nocturnal tableau

Parents today remember well

Recall the phase stories they tell

Teenage malaise suburban rebel

Streets were glazed we're going to hell


On the dark side we strike at night

(All night)


In the dim light we live to fight

(We fight)

Timmie’s our dealer discounted ammo

(The Dough)

City's our canvas nocturnal tableau


Let’s go make the dough boys


On the dark side, we strike at night

(Doughboys strike at night)

In the dim light, we live to fight

(Doughboys live to fight)

Timmie’s our dealer, discounted ammo

(We are lost without the dough)

City's our canvas, nocturnal tableau


Don’t eat that timbit it’s for throwing


Remember that time we made dough and it killed grass on the lawn


Cleanup aisle five



Inside outside

Bins roll around

My hands are tied

Bachelor of arts pushing carts

There’s nowhere to hide


Price check train wreck

The item I found

Was not correct

Customer service no go

Saturday morning shit show


I just wanna lift the bins

And make the rollers spin

And hang out in the shade

And ill the trunk parade

Oh no another mix-up

On the parcel pick-up

Gonna call it a day

Then drink the night away


Clock watch boss dodge

Baskets in the way

Cluttering aisles

Piles for miles

Front end in disarray


Another spill we know the drill

Run to the back shop

Bring back the mop

And a cardboard box

Jar broken by SMU jocks

I just wanna lift the bins

And make the rollers spin

Hang out in the shade

Fill the trunk parade

Oh no, another mix-up

On the parcel pick-up

Gonna call it a day

Then drink the night away


An order in disorder

We screwed up again

Waiting bins

Full of soy and bok choy

Redeploy stock boy


On the cashier frontier

All these rain checks

Pain in the neck

Double bagging until break

Gonna give me a headache


But I just wanna lift the bins

And make the rollers spin

Hang out in the shade

And fill the trunk parade

Oh no another mix-up

On the parcel pick-up

Gonna call it a day

Then drink the night away


Price check on seven

But I just wanna lift the bins

And make the rollers spin

Hang out in the shade

And fill the trunk parade


Um who’s on pickup

Supposed to be you

Ah yeah


Oh no another mix-up

On the parcel pick-up

Gonna call it a day

Then drink the night away


Price check on seven


Ah shit I better get that


But I just wanna lift the bins

And make the rollers spin

Hang out in the shade

And fill the trunk parade

Oh yeah


Hey man what are you going to drink tonight

I’m getting me some Peach Schnapps

Oh yeah it’s pretty good with Big Eight lemon lime eh

Yeah I know

Ah You just said that over the PA


I feel it in the air

I’m feeling like I just don’t care


Fly away

Drive away

Get away


Find a way


Fly away

Drive away

Get away


Find a way


I feel it in the air

I’m feeling like I just don’t care


The light

So bright

Let’s fly



I feel it in the air

I’m feeling like I just don’t care

(Don’t care)


Fly away

Drive away

Get away

Find a way


Fly away

Drive away

Get away

Gonna play






Hey, look  fresh slices!

Man, I got the munchies!

Yo, I'll have two slices, with donair sauce, to go!


Back in the nineties, in the capital city

Downtown clubs, were groovy and gritty

Every weekend, the mood was giddy

Some felt lucky, some got pity

After last call, we know the drill

Stumble and bumble, up and down the hill

Follow the crusts, for one more thrill

'Cause after midnight, drinks will spill


Pizza Corner, three shops and a wall

Gonna eat some slices, after the pub crawl

Grafton and Blowers, it was a prime location

Near the Dome and the Palace, a culinary destination

King of Donair, Sicilian, the European Food Shop

House music blasting, the high jinks nonstop

Tinfoil tumbleweeds, rolled around the streets

Then we'd debate, the night's wins and defeats


I'll take a slice of pepperoni Make it two!

Make it Top it Bake It Drop it

It's three a.m., we know the routine

Arrive at the corner, scope out the scene

A space to hang out, the place to be seen

Best spot to sample, the local cuisine

Counting our change, as we wait in line

From covers and drinks, that we paid since nine

A pile of napkins, we're ready to dine

Sit on the wall, snow, rain or shine

Get extra sauce, for a super donair

All over your face, we didn't care

Scarf it all down, with zeal and flair

Look a seagull, paper plate in the air

Pizza Corner, three shops and a wall

Gonna eat some slices, after the pub crawl

Grafton and Blowers, it was a prime location

Near the Dome and the Palace, a culinary destination

King of Donair, Sicilian, the European Food Shop

House music blasting, the high jinks nonstop

Tinfoil tumbleweeds, rolled around the streets

Then we'd debate, the night's wins and defeats


Yo, are you gonna eat the crust

Yeah, it's the best part!

Slice it Wrap it Price It Grab it


On busy nights, we'd sit on the grass

Take in the sights, the crowds would mass

In between bites, and the broken glass

Some boys would fight, a jerk and a jackass

Time goes by, done with jibber jap

Still one slice left, you just gotta grab

Then find a ride home, in a taxicab

Memories we made, the night's been fab


(Gimme some, gimme some, gimme some, extra sauce)

Pizza Corner, three shops and a wall

(Show me some, show me some, show me some, extra sass)

Gonna eat some slices, after the pub crawl

(Slice me up, slice me up, slice me up, a zesty piece) Grafton and Blowers, it was a prime location

(Serve me up, serve me up, serve me up, some tasty grease)

Near the Dome and the Palace, a culinary destination

(Gimme some, gimme some, gimme some, extra sauce)

King of Donair, Sicilian, the European Food Shop (Show me some, show me some, show me some, extra sass)

House music blasting, the high jinks nonstop

(Slice me up, slice me up, slice me up, a zesty piece) Tinfoil tumbleweeds, rolled around the streets

(Serve me up, serve me up, serve me up, some tasty grease) Then we'd debate, the night's wins and defeats

Did you get any phone numbers tonight


Hey, is it okay if I brought my donair in your cab, I promise not to make a mess

Yeah, right


(Gimme some, gimme some, gimme some, extra sauce) Pizza Corner, three shops and a wall

(Show me some, show me some, show me some, extra sass)

Gonna eat some slices, after the pub crawl

(Slice me up, slice me up, slice me up, a zesty piece) Grafton and Blowers, it was a prime location

(Serve me up, serve me up, serve me up, some tasty grease)

Near the Dome and the Palace, a culinary destination

(Gimme some, gimme some, gimme some, extra sauce) King of Donair, Sicilian, the European Food Shop

(Show me some, show me some, show me some, extra sass)

House music blasting, the high jinks nonstop

(Slice me up, slice me up, slice me up, a zesty piece) Tinfoil tumbleweeds, rolled around the streets

(Serve me up, serve me up, serve me up, some tasty grease)

As we'd debate, the night's wins and defeats


Yeah, I need a coke, got change for a five


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